Accessories can be the deciding factor in one's style statement. A dash of Indian prints on a scarf works perfectly for a solid- coloured dress. That’s contrast. The same scarf can fashion a perfect messy bun hairdo for a similarly printed bohemian dress. That’s a perfect match.
When the accessory is louder, it’s best to go for a contrast. For a perfect match pick a subtle bauble.
Always consider the comfort level of an accessory. The last thing one needs is a headache of an uptight hairdo by the end of a workday. Or piercing pins on the bun for a long party night. Or even the sting of a fitted band on a sweaty day out in the sun.
Shop for soft, relaxing tie-ups for regular usage. The fancier baubles can be kept for short appearances.
When it comes to colours there is absolutely no rule to what should or shouldn’t go together. Different shades of the same colour family or hues of the same tint make a perfect tonal look. Many different colours can be brought together for a bright colour riot. Colours of similar intensity when brought together create a natural flow.
Refer to colour boards and colour themes for some exciting inspo. The idea should be to create a look.
Fashion is situational, for most of us anyway. Soft pastels in summers and boardrooms. Florals or paisleys for spring and colour blocking for winters. An embellished bling for the evening, a quirky print to brunch. The loudest red to that bachelorette, maybe?
Use accessories to switch between situations. A bright pony scarf to the coffee date right after work hours!
This is the most important question we need to ask ourselves at the mirror each day. Do we want to stand out or gel in? Make our own statement, or fit to one flawlessly? Even a boardroom black can be made loud with a dash of animal prints. And even the coolest chintz can work up a riot of colours.
Go by the emotive instincts for the day. Are you the head turner or the calmy one today?
NamJosh prides in designing accessories for every need. What would you pair us with today? Share your styles, tag us @namjoshshop on Instagram!

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