To keep the strands away from the face, or to tame them on a fizzy day; scarves are a handy accessory to keep in your wardrobe. One can always use a scarf instead of scrunchies for longer curls. Also, use it with buns or tie it up like a bow. It can also add glamour to a dull hair day.
Scarves can work as an accent to all updos but for the more voluminous and fizzy days, it is an ideal cover-up.
Curls look amazing in a half undone hairstyle, whether teamed with a bun or with braids. A simple clutch clip can do the trick for this style. The natural character of a curly texture is best expressed with this style.
The quickest and best hairdo for Wash Day! Choose between back-clips, hairpins, and clutchers!
Barrettes make for a quick accessory, especially for shorter lengths. The arrangement of barrettes can be played with to make interesting formations. One can also explore the various kinds of prints, patterns and designs available.
Don’t Forget, It is essentially meant to keep the hair off your face! The decorative values are second to that alone.
Baubles like metallic rings, ornamental florals, etc are very popularly used for braided afro hairdos. Curls complement ornaments greatly giving them a sumptuous lift with the natural texture. Depending on the occasion, outfit and hair colour pick your accessories.
Use dainty floral ones for a look of elegance, the more rugged ones can be used for a sporty look.
Let hairbands, tiaras and headdresses influence your crown of curls. Whether placed right atop a cascade of free curls or used to accentuate a voluminous tie-up, headbands are undoubtedly one of the trendiest ways to style. The can be used with a pony, free-flowing updo or buns.
Choose from a wide range of Namjosh headbands- sturdy strong heads to silky dream heads, smart animal prints to sparkly embellished ones!

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